Sunday, October 21, 2007

Dumb Technology

well, here i sit waiting for the blogger to upload my images. i am skeptical. it doesn't want to cooperate. Alas, fellow viewers will be unable to see my creations and i guess that is the way it has to be for today. Shot multiple rolls of slide film and have many contenders. Shooting with something specific in mind kinda takes away spontaneity, i think. There were bunches of things i have seen that do not fit into what I'm doing at all. I can always save them for a later date. I am starting to relive the interiors project all over again, except now i am outside. Eventually I will tire of this. Yet, it is good. It's nice to play in the woods with a soundtrack in my ears. I was frustrated that some shots were blurry despite using the ground, logs or my own limbs as tripods. Must be the camera shaking. Fun. Poop on that!

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