Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Some Websites I like

Happy Halloween From Baba Yaga

I was Baba Yaga Today, Russian witch. Polish and Russian folklore has it that Baba Yaga will get you in your sleep if you are a bad child. My parents used to try to use that one on me. It never really scared me, however.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Sequence is Born (Nathan be Proud!)

Oh boy! After much time spent getting images ready to print, I decided to go back to basics. SEQUENCING. Here I was, having fun, ignoring the illustrious and enigmatic notion of "the sequence", when it was pointed out to me by my boo that I didn't need to print images I was not gonna use. How elementary, you say, what a no-brainer. I had just been making big prints of images I liked, rather than thinking about how they go together, how they form relationships. I was beginning to lose faith in this whole "photoshop thing" while fixing corrupted, fragmented pixels, calling the process "inane" and for "automatons only". My boo came home to witness my whining and cursing and said, "That isn't art (meaning the process of sitting on the computer and ripping your hair out over pixels". "Do you have your sequence yet?" No, I replied. Next a foray into the wonders of C-Prints was had, including him looking into the price of JOBO's, etc, to which I vehemently declared, "I don't have time for this shit!" "I can't learn that now, it's too late in the game!" to which he replied, "Well, aren't you in school?!?" to which I said, "No?!?!"

Isn't my life great? This is what happens when you have two art fags in the same house. Each gives the other a hard time about his/her corresponding art. At any rate, he asked me why I have to do all this (i.e., the computer stuff), to which I explained three times that that's the only way I can make color prints at school...more talk of JOBO, people who can make C-prints for you, that's expensive, etc. Ech!!!

Alas, I went back to my roots (just like the RuPaul song) and printed miniatures of alllllll my images and played the deduction game. So, for all ye that care, there will more than likely be 16 damn prints in this sojourn into pixel hell. Perhaps a title will be "The Poet's Garden", named after the place of the same name in Highland Park. At this initial stage, it seems appropriate considering this body of work encompasses outdoor and plant shots and I was a poet in my former life aka pre-VSW times. Yeah Yeah Yeah

so there's that for now. gonna start playing with pixels again.